Results for 'Stefaan G. Verhulst'

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    Where and when AI and CI meet: exploring the intersection of artificial and collective intelligence towards the goal of innovating how we govern.Stefaan G. Verhulst - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (2):293-297.
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    The ethical imperative to identify and address data and intelligence asymmetries.Stefaan G. Verhulst - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-4.
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    De Stem van de St(r)aat.Joris Verhulst & Stefaan Walgrave - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (1):133-135.
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    An Architecture for Privacy in a Networked Health Information Environment.Carol Diamond, Melissa Goldstein, David Lansky & Stefaan Verhulst - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):429-440.
    As we move toward the creation of a networked health information environment, the potential of privacy intrusions increases, with potentially devastating impact on quality and access to healthcare. This paper describes the risks we face and proposes a framework to minimize those risks. In particular, it proposes nine principles to protect privacy in an information age.
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    Partijgebeuren en rolverwachtingen t.a.v. de verkiezing of selectie van de partijvoorzitter in de Parti Socialiste.Stefaan Fiers - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):181-208.
    This article deals with the process through which party leaders in the Parti Socialiste were selected in the eighties and the nineties. Despite theparty congress's entitlement to elect leaders, the critical factor in winning the leadership has been endorsement by predecessors. G. Spitaels and Ph. Busquin are cases in point.The congress merely serves as a ritual, as a consequence of which the outcome of the vote is highly predictable, influenced as it is by party events and role-expectations. Socialist party leaders (...)
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    The doctor-patient relationship in the post-managed care era.G. Caleb Alexander & John D. Lantos - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1):29 – 32.
    The growth of managed care was accompanied by concern about the impact that changes in health care organization would have on the doctor-patient relationship. We now are in a “post-managed care era,” where some of these changes in health care delivery have come to pass while others have not. A re-examination of the DPR in this setting suggests some surprising results. Rather than posing a new and unprecedented threat, managed care was simply the most recent of numerous strains on the (...)
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    Rethinking Professional Ethics in the Cost-Sharing Era.G. Caleb Alexander, Mark A. Hall & John D. Lantos - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):W17-W22.
    Changes in healthcare financing increasingly rely upon patient cost-sharing to control escalating healthcare expenditures. These changes raise new challenges for physicians that are different from those that arose either under managed care or traditional indemnity insurance. Historically, there have been two distinct bases for arguing that physicians should not consider costs in their clinical decisions—an “aspirational ethic” that exhorts physicians to treat all patients the same regardless of their ability to pay, and an “agency ethic” that calls on physicians to (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1982 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 14:1-20.
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  9. Attention and will.G. D. Marshall - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (January):14-25.
  10. Perspektivy filosofické a hlubinné hermeneutiky (h.-g. Gadamer, cg Jung, J. derrida).C. G. Gadamer - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (8):596.
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  11. Precis of the Will.G. Ainslie - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28.
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    Неопатристика як сучасна парадигма розвитку православної теології.G. Hrystokin - 2007 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 43:61-69.
    Contemporary religious studies contains many studies of Orthodox theology of the twentieth century, but there are almost no studies of the most prominent modern trend in Orthodox theology, neo-patristics. In particular, in the works of L. Voronkova, G. Gabinsky, M. Gordienko, Y. Kalinin, P. Kurochkin, I. Mozgovy, V. Molokov, M. Novikov, N. Petelinskaya, V. Chertikhin, A. Chertkov, a thorough analysis of tendencies was carried out Modernism of Orthodox theology of the Russian Church. Of these, only M. Novikov briefly criticizes the (...)
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    Il problema dei valori: l'etica di G.E. Moore.Giulio Preti & G. E. Moore - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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  14. Benedetto Croce: La ricerca della dialettica.G. Sasso - 1975
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  15. Die probleme der geschichtsphilosophie. Eine erkenntnisstheoretische studie.G. Simmel - 1896 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 41:335-336.
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  16. Adynaton : four dichotomies for a philosophy of impossibility.P. Di Lucia A. G. Conte - 2012 - Phenomenology and Mind:134-144.
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  17.  11
    1. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Essay Concerning Human Understanding1.G. A. J. Rogers - 2008 - In Udo Thiel, John Locke: Essay Über den Menschlichen Verstand. Akademie Verlag. pp. 11-38.
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  18. X-ray microanalysis for biologists.G. M. Roomans - 1998 - Bioessays 20:870-870.
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  19.  19
    Generación de trayectorias para un robot móvil empleando redes neuronales.G. Ríos, Luis Hernando, L. Bueno & Santiago Sánchez Acevedo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  20. Il principio estetico nella teologia di Hans Urs von Balthasar.G. Ruggieri - 1989 - Humanitas 44 (3):338-353.
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  21. John Toland and the" modern reading" of the works of Giordano Bruno.G. Sacerdoti - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 58 (3):505-513.
  22. La creazione in Tommaso d'Aquino.G. M. Salvati - 1998 - Studium 94 (2-3):253-266.
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  23. L'Etica evoluzionista.G. Salvadori - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (2):12-13.
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    Proceedings of the international-symposium on the role and significance of international-cooperation in the biomedical sciences-perspectives and conclusions.G. Salvatore, Hk Schachman & Pg Condliffe - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (3):S2-S3.
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    “Stepford doctors”: an allegory.G. M. Sayers - 2006 - Medical Humanities 32 (1):57-58.
    The Stepford Wives, a novel by Ira Levin, provides the theme for this allegory. The men of Stepford belong to the Men’s Association. Their wives are “perfect”, in that they do nothing other than clean, cook, preen, and provide satisfaction without argument for their husbands. They are, furthermore, content with their lot, and believe that their previous interests and freedoms were self indulgent. Levin never informs his readers how the men came to obtain total mastery over their “Stepford wives”, although (...)
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  26. 2 letters from Benjamin, Walter to pfander, Alexander-edition of the original German text, italian translation and notes.G. Scaramuzza - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (2):367-373.
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  27. Ulivi E il rapporto fra le Arti.G. Scarsi - 1998 - Studium 94 (1):107-115.
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  28. Ein unbekanntes Kant-Bild.G. Schwaiger - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:337.
  29.  10
    La vie de St. Cyrille le Philéote, moine byzantin († 1110), ed. E. SARGOLOGOS.G. Schirò - 1967 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 60 (2):347-351.
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    The thermoelectric power of the alloy Cu3Au as a function of order.G. Airoldi, M. Asdente & E. Rimini - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (103):43-48.
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  31. (1 other version)Leçons sur les origines de la science grecque.G. Milhaud - 1893 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (5):1-1.
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  32.  55
    Platonisme en christendom.G. J. D. Aalders & H. Wzn - 1946 - Philosophia Reformata 11 (2):80-100.
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  33. La problematica della separazione nella metafisica di Aristotele.G. Abbate - 1999 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 32:9-38.
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  34.  22
    The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives: Second, revised edition.G. John M. Abbarno (ed.) - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    _The Ethics of Homelessness_ is a compilation of essays analysing the philosophical, legal and social implications of the seemingly intractable condition that people endure without a home, where their fundamental human rights, autonomy and privacy are compromised. Authors use literature and arguments to demonstrate the failings of public policy.
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  35. Interpretation worlds.G. Abel - 1989 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 96 (1):1-19.
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    Phase field modelling of grain boundary motion driven by curvature and stored energy gradients. Part I: theory and numerical implementation.G. Abrivard, E. P. Busso, S. Forest & B. Appolaire - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3618-3642.
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    Johann Herder, Early Nineteenth-Century Counter-Enlightenment, and the Common Roots of Multiculturalism and Right-Wing Populism.G. Adamson, A. Carlbom & P. Ouis - 2014 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2014 (169):28-38.
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    The houseman and the dying patient.G. P. Adams & M. Cook - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (3):142-145.
  39. The Problem of Substance.G. P. Adams, J. Loewenberg & S. C. Pepper - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):496-501.
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    Plutarch’s Essay on Superstition as a Socio-Religious Perspective on Street Begging.G. O. Adekannbi - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (1):1-24.
    Plutarch, in his work,_ Peri __Deisidaimon_ia_ __,_ presents a striking portrayal of superstition in the First Century. The Philosopher who also served for decades as a priest of Apollo portrays the pernicious effects of some supposed religious practices as worse than the outcome of atheism. His position constitutes a forceful explanation to ostensibly controversial socio-religious behaviours. This article discusses some of the priest’s concerns as well as his rebuff of religious attitudes that are borne out of what he describes as (...)
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  41. Edward Aloysius Pace.G. A. G. A. - 1938 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 30:433.
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    Gezer I: Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons.G. W. Ahlström, William G. Dever, H. Darrell Lance, G. Ernest Wright & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):277.
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    Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays.G. W. Ahlström, Tomoo Ishida & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):573.
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    Magnetic susceptibility of Cu3Au alloy as a function of order.G. Airoldi & M. Drosi - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):349-355.
  45. K.D. Ushinskiĭ -- 180.G. M. Akhmedov - 2004 - Baku: AMU.
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  46.  6
    Mnogourovnevai︠a︡ pedagogicheskai︠a︡ sistema formirovanii︠a︡ gotovnosti lichnosti k pedagogicheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti.G. V. Akhmetzhanova - 2002 - Saratov: Nauchnai︠a︡ kniga.
  47. Problemy nravstvennogo razvitii︠a︡ lichnosti.G. G. Akmambetov - 1971 - Alma-Ata,: "Nauka,".
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  48. Rossiĭskoe soznanie: psikhologii︠a︡, fenomenologii︠a︡, kulʹtura: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.G. V. Akopov, O. M. Buranov & V. A. Shkuratov (eds.) - 1994 - Samara: Izd-vo SamGPI.
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  49. Borʹba materializma i idealizma.G. F. Aleksandrov - 1941
  50. “I do not allow myself to be harmed, it is a luxury; I have two children who need me”: Basic guidelines for planning an experiential research methodology in women who have undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer.G. Alexias, M. Lavdas & M. Tzanakis - forthcoming - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature.
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